Project Longevity is a Community and Law Enforcement initiative to reduce serious violence in three of Connecticut’s major cities: New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford. Project Longevity is modeled after successful efforts implemented in communities across the country.
Project Longevity uses a unique combination of Community Involvement, Social Services, and Focused Policing to positively influence group dynamics. Project Longevity calls in group members across the community to receive a very important message from Law Enforcement and Community Representatives. Project Longevity's message is:
1. Group members are valued members of the community;
2. Violence will no longer be tolerated in our community and must stop;
3. We will provide support in securing a range of needed services to help you avoid engaging in criminal activity.
Group members are presented with a range of services that will be offered to them if they want to transition from the gang lifestyle, such as:
1. Addiction Services
2. Medical/Mental Health Treatment
3. Educational Opportunities
4. Housing
5. Employment, and other services which are offered through the partnered social service providers.
Lastly, a clear message is conveyed explaining that the next group to commit homicide, or the most violent group overall, will be met with the full force of the law and all of their group members will receive focused attention from members of local, state, and federal law enforcement who will work together to disrupt and dismantle such groups.