A delegation comprised of law enforcement and social services professionals from Malmo, Sweden visited the New Haven Police Department to learn about best practices, strategic innovations and challenges related to Group Violence INtervention which is the Project Longevity strategic approach to reducing group and gang driven gun violence. The subjects ranged from law enforcement collaboratives to perspectives on how to keep young men and women alive and out of prison. The two groups discussed the contextual differences of their respective environments and committed to continued dialogue. Gun violence is an issue in our community and abroad, and this peer exchange brings true meaning to our motto, "Together We Will Save Lives."
There are other countries and states within the continental US that are seeking to visit the New Haven Police Department and learn more about the great work being conducted through Project Longevity. Stay tuned for future updates on our peer exchanges. We thank the team from Malmo, Sweden for the visit and for the wonderful gifts. The event was covered by the New Haven Register. Click here for more