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Group Violence Intervention (GVI)

The Group Violence Intervention (GVI) reduces violent crime when community members join together with law enforcement and social service providers to focus an antiviolence message on highly active street groups.


Serious violence can be dramatically reduced when law enforcement, community members, and social services providers join together to directly engage with violent street groups to clearly communicate (1) a law enforcement message that future violence will be met with clear and predictable consequences, (2) a community moral message that violence will no longer be tolerated, and (3) a genuine offer of help to those who want it. The Call-In is an essential communication tool for Group Violence Intervention.

Community Engagement

Reducing group involved gun violence requires unification amongst the strongest voices in our communities. With a unified voice, we must proclaim a morally objective message that the violence must end and that we will support those who choose to contribute to peace and development in our communities.

Social Network Analysis 

Social network analysis is a mathematical method to describe the structures of street groups. It is increasingly helpful in identifying high-risk individuals to engage with community-based interventions.


Custom Notifications

"Custom Notifications," an independent element of GVI that enables quick, tactical, direct communication to particular group members. 

Support and Outreach

Although our primary goal is to eradicate group involved violence we recognize that it is critical to our mission to also address the root causes of crime and violence. Our social services coordinators work closely with state and local partners to focus efforts to support individuals who are high risk.

Racial Reconciliation

The process of racial reconciliation allows police and communities to address historic tensions, grievances, and misconceptions between them and begin a new collaboration.

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